Sunday, February 10, 2008

Jack & Sally Sketch

This is a sketch I did for a friend who wanted to get it tattooed as a Valentine gift for her husband. They're both big Tim Burton fans, but the image of Jack and Sally is supposed to represent them. This is why I put a plaque above their heads that have the letters R and K, which are their initials. I plan on coloring this sketch as well. I think it will look good as a finished illustration.
Steven Huerta © 2008


Kaveh said...

Awwwww, this is cute. Happy Valentine's Day Esteban Huerta.

Rummy the tuxey kitty! said...

i found your blog via Kaveh's. You are an amazing artist and i hope that you are experiencing success. I look at your finished pieces and think about this one restaurant up here in Seattle called La Tienda that every year does a huge dia de los muertas thingy (sorry if I botched that) and it reminded me of that.

Al Johnson said...

Yeah, really good Esteban. You've got my vote as Mr. Nightmare Before Christmas.

María Beatriz said...

Hi Steven, Felipe and i saw your blogg and we got impress, you are an excellent artist, we feel proud of you. Good luck on all your plans and projects, receive this congratlation from Mexico.

cacollins said...

hey could u draw it again yet leave the space for the letters lank for me i really love this and want it on myself my email is plz email me the image thxs